I dared to become something I am not

Seems sketchy. The title and what it could mean. Let me take you back when I was a kid. I was not the athletic build nor the sporty type. An introvert at best. You could always find me in the comfort of our house. Playing with make shift fortress and paper dragons (Yes! that was a thing then). I play only with my cousins since we all live in the same area. Everything was a bliss. Not until I hit the adolescent age, when peer pressure was a force you need to struggle with every waking minute. You spend less time on your comfort zone and more on experimenting with social norms, going beyond what you normally do.

Fast forward to 2011, after our college graduation the immensity of venturing further to the unknown was inevitable. You get anxious of what can be and what you want to be. Looking back now, that was the beginning of adulthood. You make decisions that will shape your future. During this time, Instagram was a prominent social media platform together with Facebook, and Twitter. You connect with people from all walks of life. But then you get picky. You follow people you are highly inclined with, travel, fashion, pets, minimalist, nature feeds etc. 


Most of you might know this, but for base knowledge, this is a term for Instagram users for meeting up with fellow IGers. The uncertainty of meeting anonymous or acquaintances online was a major roadblock. But due to common interests, this roadblock was a thing of the past. You meet with IGers alike to travel, photowalk, share knowledge about that common thing. And Yes, Instameet completely turned me into something I am not: from completely timid individual to somewhat extrovert like attitude, open to possibilities of meeting people from different places. From having a very conservative outlook, I dared to be bold in deciding what to do next! Maybe I consider meeting people from these instameets as influencers in my perspective in life. 

Truth be told, if I did not entertain the idea of "Instameet", I might not have seen the things and experienced everything up to this point.

My first instameet hike

I may not have climbed to great heights to see the sun set and rise.

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I may not have seen the ocean and its residents below.

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A post shared by Dan Hernandez (@danventures) on

A post shared by Dan Hernandez (@danventures) on

For sure, I might not got stuck on top of a big boulder of rock that it made it my identifier in our travel group (#BidaBida).

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A post shared by Dan Hernandez (@danventures) on

A post shared by Dan Hernandez (@danventures) on

I may not have passed out on the beach or on the river banks from drinking too much.

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A post shared by Dan Hernandez (@danventures) on

I definitely would not have battle scars from all those misadventures

Major Accident hiking Mt. Binacayan

Perhaps, this blog would not be alive now. 

First major achievement in blogging: Hitting that 100K PAGEVIEWS!

Lastly, I might not have crossed path with these awesome people, who were great teachers to me, personally. Teaching the value for camaraderie, essence of being nature lovers and  pursuing your passion to the fullest, slowly but surely.

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A post shared by Dan Hernandez (@danventures) on

A post shared by Dan Hernandez (@danventures) on

Sure, I could have done it late in my life, but the sooner the better right? I was exposed early in the rush of millennials to journey and see the world. I attribute most of my achieved travel goals to Instagram's community of fellow travellers. Thanks for crossing paths with me!!! See you on the trails, the seas, and the summits above! 

Do you have a similar story as me?

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